On 28th November 2019, President Ram Nath Kovind on Thursday inaugurated a 300-bed block of a hospital run by the Ramakrishna Mission in Vrindavan and compared the organisation’s work to that done by Lord Krishna.
The President, while dedicating the ‘Sharda Block’ of the charitable hospital to cancer patients, also said the Mission was established with the objective of ‘Nar seva hi Narayan seva hai’, meaning ‘serving people is serving God’.
He commended the hospital, saying it has been selflessly serving the needy for the last 112 years.
Shri Sultan Chand Trust and Dr. Usha Aggarwal Trust donated towards the building of “Sarada Block” under the “Poor Patient Fund” at Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama (Charitable Hospital), Vrindavan, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh.
Great work done by the Founder Trustees Late Sh Subhash Chand Aggarwal (2017) and Dr (Miss) Usha Aggarwal (2021), teacher, visionary, philanthropists, ……
The Ma Sharda Block of the hospital is serving the poor patients of Vrindavan & around. The Ramakrishna Mission Sewashram, Vrindavan completed the construction as per the schedule & is providing free medical aid. Congratulations to all !
It is a marvelous work done by the Trusts & we wish that these trusts will continue to help needy people both in the field of Education & Medical Aid.
Yes, Congratulations a lot.
Late Shri Subhash Chandra ji Agarwal and Late (Ms.) Usha Agarwal ji was a dedicated reformist and a great educator associated to the publishing Industry to for the cause of nation building. I am fortunate enough to get the blessings of these both the dignitaries.
I wish all the best to the Institution Sultan Chand and Sons and of course the Ramkrishana Mission Sevashram, Brindavan for accomplishing the hospital block Maa Sharada.
It is a marvelous work done by the Trusts & we wish that these trusts will continue to help needy people both in the field of Education & Medical Aid. I wish all the best to the Institution Sultan Chand and Sons and of course the Ramkrishana Mission Sevashram,
You have organized the things nicely for the noble cause. Congratulations