CBSE Board Exam Fees – Schools seek help for poor students

Last Year in Sep 2020, Delhi government schools expedited their efforts to help poor students arrange money to pay the CBSE Board fee. These schools roped in school committee members, teachers, alumni and outside NGOs to help raise funds for these poor kids. The Delhi Govt asked for CBSE Fee waiver but nothing was done as CBSE is a self-financing board. The expenditure over conducting exams has increased.

Our Trusts, Shri Sultan Chand Trust and Dr Usha Aggarwal Trusts helped 10 government schools and benefitted more than 200 students by paying their CBSE Board Fees for AY 2020-21.

CBSE Board Fees for AY 2020-21AY 2020-21
No. of Schools10
No. of Class X Students112
No. of Class XII Students115
Total No. of Students227
Total CBSE Board Fees paidRs 5,05,900

Although, neither the CBSE Board exams were conducted nor there was any refund from the Board to schools.

For Academic Year 2021-22, the economic situation of the parents worsened due to 2nd wave of COVID. The Delhi government has waived off the CBSE Board Fees of Class X and XII for the students who have lost both of their parents to COVID. While, if there is a loss of single parent or loss of job, there is no waiver for such students. The schools had to again look for outside agencies for the payment of CBSE Board Fees.

Our Trusts, Sultan Chand Dropadi Devi Education Foundation and Shri Sultan Chand Trust helped 13 government school and benefitted more than 400 students by paying their CBSE Board Fees for AY 2021-22

CBSE Board Fees for AY 2021-22AY 2021-22
No. of Schools13
No. of Class X Students285
No. of Class XII Students168
Total No. of Students453
Total CBSE Board Fees PaidRs 9,33,900

A partial waiver by the government could also help these students and schools. There are more than 300,000 such students and we have been able to help only 0.1% of such students.

Now, in 2022 our trusts, Shri Sultan Chand Trust and Sultan Chand Dropadi Devi Education Foundation helped 8 government schools by benefitting more than 200 students to help them pay their CBSE Board Fees for Academic Year 2022-23.

CBSE Board Fees for AY 2022-23AY 2022-23
No. of Schools8
No. of Class X Students102
No. of Class XII Students132
Total No. of Students234
Total CBSE Board Fees PaidRs 5,39,150


  1. Doing a very good job….and very helpful for needy students….👍👍 great

    1. It is a commendable act by Sultan Chand Foundation for the economically backward students. My good wishes to Sultan Chand Foundation so that it prospers.

    2. Very good job

  2. Very well done. Shri Sultan Chand Trust had been supporting the meritorious students, I think since 1988 through Endowment paid to the college’s.

    They had helped both Cetre & Delhi state governments during Covid period

  3. May God give you enough strength to help the needy!

  4. God bless to Sultan chand and sons really good work done.

  5. This is incredible. Sultan Chand Trust has always been at the forefront of helping those in needs. It is the epitome of quality education for decades.

  6. Really such kind acts/help to poor and no suppoting parents alive
    Students encourage to rise in the life God bless and give strength
    We are not expecting our Delhi Government

    God give peace and her soul Live in heaven to Respected Usha Bua ji

  7. Very well done supporting poor students & sale books in market minimum price lot of thanks trust


  9. इन्सानियत का जीता जागता उदाहरण । पढेगा भारत बढेगा भारत। इसके लिए सुल्तान चन्द ट्रस्ट के सभी सदस्यो का आभार व बहुत बहुत बधाई ।

  10. Doing great job as always ! Always helping the one in need . Not only children in delhi but children of vrindavan are greatful to you !
    Hare krishna , may gurudev bless you like this always…!

  11. Nice efforts

  12. Excellant wrok done by sultan chand

  13. Great initiative by the government and a special thanks to both the Trusts for turning this into a reality. Very well done!

  14. बहुत ही उत्तम कार्य है। ये बहुत ही पूण्य का काम किया है श्री सुल्तानचंदट्रस्ट ने। दिल से नमन ऐसे राष्ट्र निर्माण में सहयोग करने वाले सुधि जनों को। ईश्वर इनको अच्छी प्रेरणा देते रहे यही शुभकामना है।

  15. Doing a great job. Nothing can be better than this. Families who are unable to provide education to their children. this noble deed
    Will take the country forward.

  16. A commendable effort. Continue with the social cause.

  17. Very generous and admirable endeavor by SCS. Children are the future of the nation. They must not be left behind in lack of financial resources. Hats off to SCS.

  18. Great to see such efforts in helping needy students. This pandemic has deeply affected children and their studies and this will help them in progressing. Well done Sultan Chand and Sons..keep it going!

  19. Great effort. Proud to be part of it.

  20. Great job from sultanchand trust. Keep continue and support financialy to poor students.


  22. Excellent work!Keep it up.

  23. A virtuous practice benefitting hundreds of poor children to become educated citizens of tomorrow for the betterment of society, Government and country as a whole. A commendable societal service – service to mankind is service to God.

  24. A commendable societal service being done by the Trust to prepare today’s children as educated citizens of tomorrow

  25. Great initiative.
    Many people’s can do it but they can’t because it requires a big heart.

  26. Great work for the human mankind!

  27. Great work for the human mankind

  28. Excellant work

  29. Very well done this work really needs for the society I am very happy to see this from you . I would congratulations and best wishes

  30. Sultan Chand and Sons are doing great work for the needy peoples.

  31. Commendable work!!
    Keep on doing the noble work to help needy children to achieve their goals.👏👏

  32. जय जवान जय किसान के नारा देने वाले भारत रत्न लालबहादुर शास्त्री जी के जयंती के अवसर पर एवं विश्व को सत्य और अहिंसा का संदेश देने वाले महात्मा गांधी जी के जयंती के अवसर पर श्री सुल्तानचंद ट्रस्ट ने गरीब विधार्थी के मशीहा बन क़र मदत, सहयोग और उनके कदम से कदम मिला क़र चलने का नेक कदम उठाए हैं इसके लिए दिल की गहराइयों से उन्हें बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद ✍️

  33. A commendable societal service , a virtuous practice being adopted by the Sultan Chand Trust benefitting hundreds of poor children.

  34. A great work done by Sultan Chand & Sons Trust. In difficult times when many children are suffering from losing their parents, you come forward and support them. It is credible to give strength and help the needy children. Very well done and proud to be associated with such an prestigious organization.

  35. Sultan Chand trust is doing noble cause for needy students in uplifting the under privileged poor students.

  36. Kudos to Sultan Chand foundation for doing such a commendable job!

  37. बच्चों को शिक्षा देकर समाज को शिक्षित करने का काम किया है समाज सदा आपका ऋडि रहेगा

  38. This is incredible. Sultan Chand Trust has always been at the forefront of helping those in needs. It is the epitome of quality education for decades.

  39. Very well done supporting poor students & sale books in market minimum price lot of thanks trust

  40. “True kindness lies within the act of giving without the expectation of anything in return.”
    Sultan Chand trust stands true to this dictum by extending the financial support to underpriviliged and needy students in meeting their ends in these testing times.
    A Truly commendable act .

  41. Great job you are doing…The Sultan Chand trust is helping needy students. Even they helped my school students last year n this year too…Thank you so much for this kindness.

  42. Your generous work is a great help to the humanity.You are in man making,most important work in the universe.

  43. Sultan Chand trust is doing a great job by helping the needy students in this crucial time of pandemic .Many students are benefitted by their help.Well done,Keep doing such good things.Proud of you

  44. Kudos to Sultan Chand Foundation for the amazing work they are doing. Helping needy students to pay their CBSE Exam fees in these tough covid times is the need of the hour and Sultan Chand Foundation has done a commendable job.

  45. This is the real help to society, citizens and nations. It’s a nobel work to needy persons 👌👌👌
    You are real hero of our society👍👍

  46. You are doing great work….you

  47. We are indebted and grateful to Sultan Chand Foundation for their magnanimity in paying the CBSE fees of our needy students. Sultan Chand Foundation is doing a great service to the humanity and helping students pursue education is the best help in the universe.

  48. We are thankful for your astonishing support. You helped the needy students in the time of pandemic. We recognize your commendable work for helping out economically backward students
    Many thanks to SULTAN CHAND FOUNDATION and team

  49. Tremendous job done by sultan chand trust in this taugh time I appreciate your effort.

  50. Thanks…good work

  51. Great works have always been done by your family and ancestors and so nowadays doing your trusts established by your family members. So many charitable trusts established by Sultanchand and Sons are continously helping to poor students to complete their education. Great work indeed and Congratulations to you Sir for your day and night involvement in these trusts for doing the best for the society..

    1. Thank u SULTAN CHAND organization for this pious work.

  52. Great job Sultan Chand Foundation is doing ! 🙏 More of such mindset should come up with this then education for needy will be inspiring and we will have Better India 🙏

  53. Commendable philanthropic efforts by Shri Sultan Chand Trust, Sultan Chand Dropadi Devi Education Foundation and Dr Usha Agarwal Trust. Heartiest Congratulations to Sultan Chand Foundation.

  54. This organization is helping my students since two years. With core of heart ,i along with my staff and students thanks to this organization. Behavior of the people who delt this work is so humble . You are icon and leading example to help needy students. Thank u SULTAN CHAND organization.

  55. This organization is helping my students since One years. With core of heart ,i along with my staff and students thanks to this organization. Behavior of the people who delt this work is so humble . You are icon and leading example to help needy students. Thank u SULTAN CHAND organization

  56. Sultan Chand trust is doing a really good job by taking responsibility of
    education of helpless children’s future.

  57. Really great work! Best wishes to Sultan Chand Foundation

  58. A very good initiative to help the needy. Really a commendable effort. Best wishes to the Trust.

  59. Sir, your esteemed organization had support to our school last year nd current year to pay CBSE BOARD FEES.



  60. Commendable job

  61. Doing a great job. Very beneficial for the poor people 🙏👍. Atleast someone is thinking for the poor people education without thinking of the profits.

  62. This is highly commendable job Sultan Chand Co. I am sure that young people will take inspiration and will do their best in whatever manner they can for the society.

  63. श्री सुल्तान चंद्र ट्रस्ट द्वारा बच्चों की फीस देने का जो प्रशंसनीय कार्य किया है उसके लिए उन्हें जितना भी धन्यवाद दिया जाए, कम है । उन्होंने उन बच्चों की वक्त पर सहायता की है । यह बहुत बड़ी बात है । बहुत बहुत साधुवाद

  64. श्री सुलतान चांद ट्रस्ट ने इस महामारी के दौरान जब सभी काम धंधों को लेकर लोग परेशान हैं इस समय इनकी बच्चों की पढ़ाई किसी भी कीमत पर न रुके उसके लिए स्कूल फीस के रूप मे आर्थिक सहायता देकर एक सराहनीय कार्य किया है।

  65. Sultan Chand Trust extends the financial support to meritorious and economically challenged students. The two years of association with sultan Chand has uplifted many students of our college SDNBV college, chromepet, Chennai. Sultan Chan is very keen in serving the needy and deserving students. The pandemic situation is aggravating the financial situation of the students. At this moment, the trust coming forward to support our students to pursue their degree would mean a lot. Shower of Blessing from all parents would make the trust grow and cherish with rainbow wings.

  66. I am seeing first time. To this types of foundation. I am really happy to see this.
    I very great full.

  67. Great work by Sultan Chand & Sons, this is best tribute to Subash Ji & Usha ji.
    Best way to empower the society by providing education to young generations making them capable for their entire life and contribute towards making our country future ready

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