The skies above have always fascinated and intrigued humanity. From ancient civilizations to modern science, astronomy has played a pivotal role in expanding our knowledge of the universe. In a significant leap for education and exploration, the District Magistrate of Bulandshahr inaugurated the Sultan Chand Astronomy Lab and Usha Pustakalaya, a pioneering endeavor that promises to take local education to new heights on the auspicious day of 2nd October 2023 at Upper Primary School, Til Deri, Sikandarabad, Bulandshahar, Uttar Pradesh” (School Code – 09111501107).
With great pleasure, we thank our distinguished guests, District Magistrate, Shri Chandra Prakash Singh was accompanied by the District Development Officer (DDO), Shri Subhash Nema, District Panchayati Raj Officer (DPRO) Dr Pritam Singh, Basic Shiksha Adhikari (BSA) Shri Laxmikant Pandey and Sub Divisional Magistrate, Smt. Renu ji. Shri Pratap Chand Vaish, Shri Gangadhar Chaudhary, and Smt. Shikha Vaish, Trustees from Sultan Chand Dropadi Devi Education Foundation, the sponsoring Foundation was also present. We are thankful to the entire team of Astroscape and its founder, Aryan Mishra for their excellent work and the Head Sir, Mr. Ravinder Pal ji, and all the teachers especially Ms. Shubhra and Ms. Rekha ji who arranged everything for the grand event and initiated this concept for the schools.
Sultan Chand Astronomy Lab and Usha Pustakalaya have been established in the fond memory of our founding Trustees, Late Shri Subhash Chand Aggarwal and Late Dr. Usha Aggarwal. The approval for the same was received in June 2023 by The Chief Development Officer of Bulandshahar, Mr. Kuldeep Meena Sir for his approval and support.
Sultan Chand Astronomy Lab and Usha Pustakalaya: A Glimpse into the Stars

The Astronomy Lab is equipped with modern telescopes, spectrometers, and other scientific instruments, allowing students to observe celestial objects and conduct experiments. The Pustakalaya boasts an impressive collection of books for the students of Grades 1 to 8 and also competitive books for various exams along with other story books based on Value Education.
All the students, teachers, and other people from around the village were present to witness this grand event.
Astronomy is more than just stargazing; it’s a discipline that fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and a deeper understanding of the universe. With this new facility in Bulandshahr, the potential for nurturing future scientists, astronomers, and educators is immense. By providing students with access to cutting-edge technology and a comprehensive library, the Sultan Chand Astronomy Lab and Usha Pustakalaya encourage young minds to reach for the stars. The district magistrate’s commitment to promoting science education is evident in this endeavor.
The inauguration of the Astronomy Lab and Pustakalaya in Bulandshahr is a momentous occasion for the district and the entire scientific community. It symbolizes a commitment to education, scientific exploration, and a brighter future for the youth. As the stars shine above, so does the potential of the students and residents of Bulandshahr, thanks to the District Magistrate’s visionary initiative. Together, they will reach new heights and explore the infinite wonders of the universe.
#SultanChandAstronomyLab #ExploringTheCosmos #AstronomyAdventures #UnveilingTheUniverse #astronomy #education #scholarship #philanthropy
Great initiative … best wishes
All the best, it is drastic and stride in the path of education. Innovative thinking and approach. My wishes
A wonderful tribute to Usha ji. Nice to see you hale and hearty.
Great Work
Great Initiative.Awesome efforts
Great job.
Awesome Performance
Leader in all occasions
iIt is really important that you follow up on recognising the aspirations of young minds and creating the pathways necessary to realise those aspirations.. A great Salute to the honorable trustees. .Let these vibes inspire the society
iIt is really important that you follow up on recognising the aspirations of young minds and creating the pathways necessary to realise those aspirations.. A great Salute to the honorable trustees.
Ensure use of Library & the nearby schools to make use of Astronomical Lab.
Great achievement 👏
It’s great achievement and efforts towards the society development 💐💐
Great job. Congratulations
Great achievement
With dedication
It’s a great work for their children’s
आकाशीय सितारों ने हमेशा से ही मानव मन कोअपनी ओर आकर्षित किया है. यह आकर्षण केवल उनके दूर होने के कारण नहीं,वरन् उनकी तेजस्विता और ऊर्जस्विता के कारण है.उनकी शक्तियों के विकिरण और विसरण के कारण है.भारत ने भी हमेशा से इसी पथ को अपनाया है.देना और देते ही चले जाना पर देने के इस स्वभाव में यदि संग्रहण न हो तो देने की प्रक्रिया निश्चित ही मन्द पड़ जायेगी.समाज ने इसका भी हल निकाला है और वह हमेशा से उस व्यक्ति के साथ खड़ा हुआ है जिसे समाज ने सज्जन व्यक्ति की संज्ञा से अभिहित किया है . आदरणीय श्री प्रताप वैश्य जी ऐसे ही संत पुरूष हैं जो एक कर्म योगी होते हुए समाज के पथ प्रदर्शक बन सामनेआये हैं.उनके इस महनीय योगदान के लिए हम सभी उनके व्यक्तित्व और कृतित्व का वन्दन करते हुए, उनके समस्त सहयोगियों को साधुवाद देते हैं.
जिस प्रकार पत्थर को तराश के मूर्ति की शक्ल दी जाती है उसी प्रकार बच्चों के गुणों को तराश कर उनके अंदर के कलाकार को पहचाना जा सकता है। सुल्तान चंद एंड संस फाउंडेशन के इस प्रयास से बच्चों का भला हो यही मैं आशा करता हूं। आपको मेरी तरफ से हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं।
Good 👍 work sir congratulation
Congratulation sir
Great 👍
Excellent work, Kudos to all Trustees 👍
Its indeed a great opportunity for the present and future generation. M/s.Sultan Chand and Sons have been rendering a great service to the society and this opportunity should be utilised to a larger extent by the nearby schools. Congratulations to the Trustees for this innovative endeavours.
Great work sir 👍👍👍👍
सुलतान चंद फाउंडेशन व समस्त परिवार को इस पुण्य कृत्य की बहुत बहुत बधाई व शुभकामनाएं । आपके द्वारा किए गए इस कार्य से वहां की समस्त युवा पीढ़ी का मार्ग प्रशस्त हो रहा है तथा वह इस सुविधा का लाभ उठाकर अपने आने वाले भविष्य को सुरक्षित कर पाएंगे । आप लोगो के इस महान कार्य के लिए आपको हमारी व उन जरुरतमंद लोगो की तरफ से आभार व धन्यवाद । इस पूरे कार्य की देखरेख व संचालन के लिए शुभ्रा जी व उनकी सहायक सदस्यो को भी बहुत बहुत बधाई । हम ईश्वर से यही प्रार्थना करते है कि आप इस प्रकार के पुण्य कृत्य सदैव करते है व ईश्वर से यही प्रार्थना है कि आप इन कार्यों के लिए संदैव तैयार व सक्षम रहे । ऐसे कार्य करने से भी जागरूकता बढ़ती है जो आज के परिवेश के लिए अनिवार्य है । मैं दिल से श्री प्रताप वैश्य जी, दुर्गा जी, शिखा जी व अन्य लोगों का भी शुक्रगुजार हूं उन लोगो को भी बधाई व आभार तथा शुभकामनाएं ।
Congratulations to Sultan Chand Foundation for this great work for bright future of all the youth. Thanks to Pratap ji, Durga ji and Shikhaji
The Sultan Chand Astronomy Lab and Usha Pustakaya will play an important role in nurturing the next generation of scientists and engineers who will help us to build a better future. Keep up the good work!
A great initiative for the cause of the society and in particular the students.
मुझे ये जानकर और पढ़ कर बहुत खुशी हो रही है की सुल्तान चंद फाउंडेशन ट्रस्ट के माध्यम से जो जो सबको शिक्षित करके व समृद्ध करने का काम हुआ है बहुत ही सुंदर है मै इस लोक कल्याण व जन हिताय के महान काम की बहुत सराहना करता हूँ व इस महान काम मे सुल्तान चंद ट्रस्ट के द्वारा गरीब बच्चो को कोचिंग फीस व बहुत सारी मदद की बहुत बहुत बधाई व शुभकामना इस काम मे लगे श्री प्रताप वैश्य जी श्री दुर्गा जी श्री मति सुभ्रा जी को दिल से सलाम अभिनंदन जय हिंद
Such a nice and welcome initiative. . So far I have not come across any established publisher to go to the roots and do a service like this without any expectation. . Commendable indeed
Fine work for development of the rural society May God give you strength for this noble work!
Excellent initiative by the Sultan Chand Trust. Congratulations to the team members and the staff for the great work done.
Hope this would trigger interests in the children and develop reading habits.
Great initiative👍🏻👍🏻
Great work✔️✨well done 👍
Great work
Excellent work and applaud for efforts put in by Trustees towards enhancing educational facilities.
This initiative is in line of current requirement of education for growth of rural students.